Pledged Gifts, $2,458,000 from 225 families
Unpledged Gifts, $1,366,000 from 60 families
Interest Income, $37,000.
Over the past six months we have averaged over $88,000 per month in gifts. March gifts totaled $115,000 and April gifts totaled $100,000.
We are all so grateful for the ongoing sacrifices made by so many families.
Of the total $3.86 million in gifts, $2.30 million has been collected to date. The difference, a little more than $1.56 million, represents outstanding pledges. We are now at the beginning of the second year of our three year capital stewardship campaign, which runs from April 2009 to March 2012.
New gifts, pledged and unpledged, continue to be made each month. We still hope to top $4 million before the campaign is completed.
Ten percent of the outstanding pledges (currently $156,000 as of 4-30-10) are set aside as a contingency against pledge receivables. While this contingency helps assure that we only spend what we can conservatively plan to collect at the end of the three year campaign, it also means that this contingency money is not available to our construction budget.
If you have the flexibility in your financial plans, please consider making a portion of your second year gift while construction work is still in progress. In addition to reducing the 10% pledge contingency, it also will save us the 3% borrowing cost later this year and next. So you can see that the same gift amount, timed for this summer, multiplies in value by almost 15% which directly helps our ongoing construction efforts.
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