Work on various site improvements continues around Redeemer.
Most of the new fire suppression system is in place, with just the placement of sprinkler heads awaiting the final lay-in ceiling tiles. The expanded electrical service (located on the east side of the chapel) is nearly ready for DTE to provide expanded service.
The new water service which will power the fire suppression system as well as the rest of Redeemer is now in place. Note the new fire hydrant which is maize colored, and not scarlet, as one pastor requested.
Work is proceeding on the new parking lot extension. All the underground work is complete and the area has been leveled, awaiting the addition of curbs, gravel and the final asphalt top coats.
The sprinkling system has been disrupted at many points around the Redeemer grounds. Don't blame the garden club if some of the landscaping looks a little tired in the July heat. Rest assured that everything is being put back in its original condition.
Finally, a new sidewalk around the north side of the gymnasium is being readied for pour next week. The parking lot asphalt will be repaired as well to match the new contours along the north side of the building.
Most of the new fire suppression system is in place, with just the placement of sprinkler heads awaiting the final lay-in ceiling tiles. The expanded electrical service (located on the east side of the chapel) is nearly ready for DTE to provide expanded service.
The new water service which will power the fire suppression system as well as the rest of Redeemer is now in place. Note the new fire hydrant which is maize colored, and not scarlet, as one pastor requested.
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